Teacher Creative Arts



Gilgandra High School is an inclusive, culturally diverse rural school residing on Wiradjuri, Kamilaroi and Wailwan Land, with a student body of 230, of whom 30% identify as Aboriginal. Gilgandra High School has a strong tradition of academic, agriculture and sporting success, with skilled teachers with a broad range of experience who value academic excellence and cater for all student learning styles and abilities. Gilgandra High school has two Multi-Categorical classes

and one Emotional Disturbance class catering for students with special needs. The systems for student behaviour and learning are supported through the Wellbeing Framework and Wellbeing Hub (Bundyi Baayay), under pinning the strong student wellbeing ethos in the school. Students consistently achieve their desired post school options, including university placement, apprenticeships and traineeships.?

Gilgandra High School has well-maintained facilities, including three trade-training centres, self-sustaining aquaponics unit, relationships with tertiary institutions and Wiradjuri language; providing an inclusive curriculum, ensuring student interests, academic levels and goals are supported. Our school has strong relationships with the feeder primary schools in the area who support our effective transition programs.?

We welcome community involvement in our school and have an active parent body who, through their support, enrich our students' learning experiences and school culture. We value the contribution that the Gilgandra school community makes to the future directions of the school and we value feedback from across all sectors of the school community. As such, we have provided opportunities for the students, staff and the school community to engage in consultation and feedback via a number of channels throughout the year. ?

  • Approval to teach visual arts and/or music.
  • Well-developed communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to contribute to faculty planning, whole school programs, and develop positive relationships with students, staff and the wider community.
  • Demonstrated ability in classroom teaching practice and the ability to develop, implement and evaluate quality teaching and learning programs to foster increased engagement and improved academic outcomes for students.

Organization NSW Government -Teaching Service
Industry Education / Training Jobs
Occupational Category Teacher Creative Arts
Job Location New South Wales,Australia
Shift Type Morning
Job Type Full Time
Gender No Preference
Career Level Intermediate
Experience 2 Years
Posted at 2023-01-17 5:15 pm
Expires on 2025-03-02