Marketing & Content Manager



Situated in the Newcastle region, Belmont Christian College (NSW) is a co-educational College of over 760 students that deeply values Christian Education and child safety.

The College is seeking a Marketing and Content Manager to support the implementation of the strategic marketing plan and help steward the College brand through quality storytelling.

This role is responsible for discovering, writing, and producing content that is in line with the College’s Christian vision and mission and strategic marketing plan. Working onsite as a member of the College staff, the role will build strong relationships with teachers and administration staff and work to uncover the obvious and not so obvious stories that are unfolding each and every day.

This is an exciting and challenging position for someone who is passionate about the important role of Christian education. The role will report through to the Director of Mission and Community to strengthen and deepen connections with students, staff, parents, alumni and the wider community, and help steward the College’s brand perception, voice, and image across the Hunter Region.

The successful candidate would be required to:

  • Develop, review and maintain policies and procedures around the College’s online presence, social media, photo management, brand and reputation.
  • Steward the Belmont Christian College brand, in line with the strategic marketing plan, by proactively managing and responding to parents on social media and other digital platforms.
  • Plan, coordinate, schedule and produce content for social media and other communication pieces e.g., Newsletter, Flyers etc.
  • Capture day-to-day media
  • Build and maintain working relationships with teaching, administration staff and external contractors e.g., Videographers, advertising agencies etc.
  • Develop and implement an annual content plan in collaboration with the Director of Mission & Community

Organization Belmont Christian College
Industry Marketing Jobs
Occupational Category Marketing and Content Manager
Job Location New South Wales,Australia
Shift Type Morning
Job Type Full Time
Gender No Preference
Career Level Intermediate
Experience 2 Years
Posted at 2022-10-25 9:25 am
Expires on Expired